Decrease your dependence on plastic, start a conversation about conservation, and directly support 5 Gyres’ plastic-free mission. These curated items are multi-use, built to last, and provide alternatives to single-use plastic products.

Please allow 5 to 10 business days for your item(s) to be shipped. If you need your order sooner or have any questions, please send us an email!

5 Gyres Sustainability Guide

Take steps toward a more sustainable life! 5 Gyres is proud to partner with companies that are committed to reducing plastic usage in their supply chain, supporting scientific innovation, promoting environmentally-friendly behavior change, and creating plastic-free products.

We recognize that some of these partner products are not 100% plastic-free, but we support and are supported by companies that are doing their best with the materials that are on the market right now. We strive for progress, not perfection!

Dishwashing Starter Set

The Starter Kit

Peach not Plastic


Shampoo Bar

POPi Toothbrush

Natural Pads

Snack Bags

Insulated TKCanister Set

Reusable Shopping Bag

Untangled Sunglasses

Recycled Swimsuit

“Respect Your Mother” Towel



BloodRoot Wines

EcoTank Printer

Remy Save the Sea Rosé

Mountain Water

Sparkling Water

Junk Theory

Me Mother Earth

Bee’s Wrap



Klean Kanteen

Everything but Water

Costa Del Mar

Tracy Anderson


Liquid Death

Liquid Death